Meeste tippklassi võrkpallijalats Asics Metarise M disain aitab nurga- ja temporünnakutel kõrgemale hüpata. MONO-SOCK™ pealne tagab hea istuvuse ja toestuse. DYNAWRAP™ tehnoloogia kombineerib paelutuse külgede tugevduspaneelidega ning suurendab sellega stabiilsust olukordades kus positsiooni vahetatakse väga kiiresti.
METARISE™ on disainitud sujuvamaks liikumiseks. Kannaosa on lõigatud ümaramaks ja jalatsi eesosa on natuke laiem, et parandada pidamist pidurdustel – sellega välditakse jõukadu üleshüpetel. FLYTEFOAM® Propel vahetallatehnoloogia aitab tagada hea tunnetusega üleshüpet. Et jalatsi võimekust tõsta aitab RISETRUSS™ tehnoloogia jalatsi painutamisel tekitada hüppe lõppfaasis vibuefekti.
The METARISE™ volleyball shoe features advanced componentry that’s functional for helping Outside Hitters and Middles jump higher. This shoe incorporates a MONO-SOCK™ upper design that helps promote a comfortable fit and excellent support. Additionally, the DYNAWRAP™ technology offers supportive paneling from the base of the laces, over the arch and along the midsole to increase stability when making quick transitions or breaking on the court.
The METARISE™ volleyball shoe is designed to help players cut-in more smoothly. This application features a curved shape in the heel. The wider gauge in the forefoot improves forefoot stability during abrupt braking—preventing power loss before jumping. FLYTEFOAM® Propel technology in the midsole helps create a responsive bounce. In contrast, the RISETRUSS™ technology creates propulsion when bending the foot to generate a spring-like recoil during the final stage of a jumping motion.
Pronation is part of the natural movement of the human body and refers to the way your foot rolls inward for impact distribution upon landing. Understanding your pronation type can help you find a comfortable running shoe. The METARISE is made for Neutral.
- Dynawrap Technology
- Flytefoam Propel Technology
- Risetruss Technology
- Mono-Sock Technology Fit System